Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Before we get started I would like to thank Ms. Vanessa at afancifultwist for putting together this amazing party. Please check her sidebar for more parties.

   Welcome to Halloween at my House.
 Grab a dab of fantasy.
 I have many spells to cast upon you.
 We will guide your path through this Halloween night. Be wary then, your beast safety lies in fear.


 There is nothing that gives you more assurance than a mask.
 Come with me.. this is the bewitching time of night.
 Please grab a key and unlock the portals of your mind.
 Mr. Crow will show you the way.
 By mostly observing....this is the means used to frighten you.
A voice long unheard shall be heard at last.
Where there is no imagination there is no Halloween.
I hope that you can find your way home.http://afancifultwist.typepad.com/


Ms Misantropia said...

Lovely! Spooky and cozy at the same time, just as Halloween should be :)

Debbie said...

Love your vignettes ,very colorful! Hoping you have a wickedly fun Halloween


Lady Caer Morganna said...

This is really great! Thanks for sharing!!! JUST LOVE IT!!!

Christina Paul said...

Fabulous post! Love your perfectly spooky decor and your photos are wonderful- I can never photograph lights like that!
Will pop back and visit again

Jeanie said...

Oh, how I love your dab of fantasy! Indeed, when there is no imagination, there IS no Halloween. I can tell, most delightfully, that you have plenty of both!

Jennifer Michelle said...

Love that magic spell bottle! So sparkly and sweet! Happy Halloween!


TheBlakkDuchess said...

Lovely! And your Mr. Crow is just the cutest. ^_^

Have a happy Halloween!


Gina said...

OOOH...so much "yumminess"!..and I would always trust in Mr Crow :D XXX

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and fun party!Love the pink, purple colors and spells!
Thank you for visiting my party and leaving a nice comment, Celeste,
Plumfield House Gardens

Calamitous Botanicus said...

Love your colorful photographs, so perfectly enhanced by the lighting and decorations!
Have a Happy Halloween!
Cheers, Sarah

Glamorous time traveler said...

I'm a michigan gal too. Beautiful fall! Thanks for sharing ur halloween. Erin

Laura Morrigan said...

What magical decorations! Thank you so much for sharing them!

Gloria said...

It looks like it was a lot of fun setting up these vignettes. Very moody- Halloween tricks and treats!

Magic Love Crow said...

Fantastic post Linda!! As always, you put so much work into your photos! I love Mr. Crow ;o) I love the pink, orange glow ;o) I hope you had a great Halloween ;o) Your daughter's birthday was the night before right?
Take Care and big Hugs ;o)

Darlene said...

Your decor is lovely and spooky. I love how you used the lights and the books of shadows is the added touch. Thanks for visiting my blog. Take care, Darlene

Selma said...

I watched and admired your wonderful Haloween celebration. I do not spend it, but everything wonderful and exciting you have built a series of pictures. Great work. Many young people have taken ownership of halloween celebration here.