Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Halloween...Not Too Far Away.

Looking out my blogger window I've noticed that other bloggers are anticipating Halloween's arrival. I am so very excited, as Halloween is my favorite holiday.
 A friend called me the other day and said that she had a gift for me. I couldn't imagine what it could be.
 Oh my goodness...It was  four wondefully decorated witches hats. Just look at the detail on this one. 
 They all are amazing, as far as I'm concerned.
 I think that this one is my favorite...then again, they all are.

 There was even a table display. I think that I'm going to put orange, yellow celophane in the windows for a more dramatic effect.
She also included three half masks....Wow! what an amazing gift.

I have a great start on my Halloween decorations. What do you think?


Magaly Guerrero said...

I think you have a great friend who has wonderful taste. You are extremely lucky!

Debbie said...

How lucky are you! These are really beautiful. I know you'll put them to good use.

Happy Haunting

Lady Caer Morganna said...

I love them all, but I think my favorite has got to be the white one with the lace and the spider on top of it! That one is really beautiful!

Thanks for sharing!


Petunia said...

It's never to early for Halloween and those gifts are fabulous! I love hats but those masks are wonderful too. Love them!

Selma said...

Hats and masks look great. Halloween is not my party, but the young people are already playing it here.

Art From The heart said...

Wow ! What an amazing gift !
I love all the hats and that haunted house has great possibilities!

Magic Love Crow said...

Ok, I am totally jealous!!! I mean really jealous!! Wow!! You are so lucky to have such a great friend! These hats are amazing! And, I love the masks and the table display! I can't stop looking at your blog!!! ;o)))

A Magical Whimsy said...

Goodness Gracious! What an amazing gift! Wow! Four Halloween hats. What a kind friend you have.
; )
Teresa in California

Victoria said...

Hi Linda, thank you for visting my blog, it's so nice to meet you.

Those hats and masks are gorgeous! You're so lucky to have such a talented friend.

You have a beautiful blog, I'll be back often to visit...


Victoria from Brushstrokes

Anonymous said...

Looks like I've been here before for the Mad Tea Party, but I didn't recall your header. Did you change it recently?
Anywho, I've added you to my sidebar blogroll to not miss a thing.

Anne said...

Those are all so cool! It won't be long, will it? I'm almost a Halloween baby ~ 2 minutes before midnight! ...I've just discovered your lovely blog, and am now following! So nice to "meet" you! ♥

Cameron said...

Just one of those items would make a fantastic gift! What a generous (and knowing) friend you have to give you an exciting head start for your most favorite holiday!

Anonymous said...

Well, Linda, make room for more goodies because I'm here to let you know that you were one the lovely ladies to win a pair of the French Flea Market pocket tags. Congrats!!!
When you have a chance, please stop by the shop to email your mailing info. Just click email under my header or sidebar and Shopgirl will take care of everything. ;) Oh yes, and let me know if you prefer white or cream.

Have a great day!!

Sidewalk Ready said...

Hi Linda! I am excited to see that you are already prepping for Halloween. I'm looking forward to what you put together this year!

I am trying to get a hold of Sylvia but don't know her email! Would you mind having her email me at sidewalkready@gmail.com?

Thanks so much - I hope you, Sylvia, Bella, and Penny are doing well!


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

WOW! How special! I would love to try to make a hat this year. I've seen so many cute ones and these are inspiring me to get busy! Halloween is such a fun time to decorate!

Ms Misantropia said...

Wow, just wow. What a great friend to have, what magical beautiful gifts! And yes, I know I can't wait for the Halloween celebrations to begin :)

Lynn Stevens said...

Oh WOW thats what I call a good friend! What an amazing collection of Halloween treats!
hugs Lynn