Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Back Yard

The colors of summer are coming out. These are pink Peonies from my back yard garden. They don't last but a few days but are very fragrant and beautiful when they bloom!


R.L. said...

You have a beautiful back yard. I can't get over what wonderful pictures you take. Wish I would have the view you have mine is of a fence and houses. Please put up more pictures I love looking at your work.

XUE said...

This is nice Linda! Could also be your new header!!!

menucha weingarten said...

that is so nice! you get great pictures!

Risa said...

This page looks Fabulous ! Great Job...I love looking at pics .

Risa said...

Lin, I love this..Love reading about your interests and love looking at the pics.thanks

Risa said...