Monday, May 12, 2014

A Double Take...

 The other morning I got up at my usual time of 6:30 A.M.  I get up at this time to take my two furry friends out.
On my way back into the house, I looked over my right shoulder and had to take another look.
I quickly ran into the house and grabbed my camera. What an amazing sight to catch on camera. The rainbow lasted for about fifteen minutes. It was the most beautiful sight I have seen in a long time.
I felt that I had to share this sight with all of you.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Oh My Goodness....

 Now that Spring has finally come to Michigan, I am proud to show you.

 There are a few varieties of flowers that have bloomed and many more are still coming.

I hope that Spring is coming to your end of the woods.