Backward, turn backward, O time in your flight. Make me a child again just
for tonight!
Come with me
All Hallow's night
We'll frighten everyone in sight
Such pranks to incense
Are justified
And the fun and
frolic, amplified.

Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork and blind-worms sting,
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing.
For a charm of powerful trouble,
like a hell-broth and bubble.

May jack-o-lanterns burning bright. Of soft and golden hue. Pierce throughout the future's veil and show what fate now holds.

.Tis the time is drawing near.

Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees.

Come into my home said the spider to the fly.
Tis now the very witching time of night when churchyards yawn and hell itself breaths light.
"From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us !

On Halloween the thing you must do is pretend that nothing can frighten you and if something scares you and you want to run just let on like it's Halloween fun.

You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you.

Where there is no imagination there is no Halloween.

Witch and ghost make merry on this last of our dear October's days.

Everyone is a moon and has a dark side, which he never shows to anybody.

Nothing on earth is so beautiful as the final haul on Halloween night.

Raise your spirits, cook up some ghost stories, and make errie looking jack-o-lanterns. Halloween is for grownups and kids alike. Especially when you throw a bizare Halloween party.
I want to thank our very special hostess
Vanessa at
Afancifultwist for this very special party. Please check out her blog for more Halloween fun.
Linda; loved it! as always. I see you did get some sparkle in some of your pics. Happy partying
Oh Linda, what a beautifully spooky Halloween party. So well done! I was captivated all through with your verse and images.
So much beauty. A gorgeous post as always.
Gorgeous Halloween Party, you've got some wonderful things, I loved the patterned skull.
Your photos are gorgeous! I love the, spiders and all. You have a lovely blog. Happy Halloween!
Hello Linda,
I enjoyed your Halloween party so much and your pictures are simply boo-tiful!!!
Happy Fanciful party Day!!
xoxo cori
Ooooo what spooky fun; so charming and whimsical. Wonderful things to see and read. Have a happy party weekend!
Great Halloween post! Love it!
Thanks for saying hi!
absolutely stunning!!!! thank you for inviting me to your party!
have a wonderful day!
Oh such a super cool spooky post! My - those spiders looked real...LOL I loved that boot candle holder and your pumpkins! Thanks for hosting a fabulous party!
Hello! Thank you very much for these very ,very nice photos, thank you to share them, and thank you for visiting my blog: you are the first!
Happy Halloween!
What a lovely Halloween party, thanks for having me! Take care, Martha
I love the poem. Great party and pics. Is that a real spider web? So cool.
TY for visiting mine and leaving a nice comment.
I'll be back to visit you.
Your pictures are truly lovely! I really like your connected candle sticks. I've never seen anything like those before. Thank you for sharing your wonderful party.
I saw many creepy and scary things at your party, but I put on my brave face for Halloween.
Linda, fantastic! Love what you wrote and love the pictures! Well done! Really loved everything! Make sure you enter my Halloween Giveaway! It's on now ;o) I haven't heard from you, hope everything is well ;o) Take Care ;o)
I think I'm under dressed for your lovely party. Love the candle glow. Happy Halloween!
Greetings, Linda! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for inviting me back to yours. What a treat your post is!! I love the pictures and the gorgeous colors, but I really love the sayings.."Where there is no imagination, there is no Halloween." Love it! Enjoy the rest of the party and thanks for having me! Brightest Blessings to you! bertie
www.a wildberrywitch.blogspot.com
Hi there! This was so much fun! I loved all the skeletons and candles, so delightful! Happy Halloween!
Hello there..I love your photographs! Thank you for visiting me earlier today!
Audrey @ lonely paper
Such a wonderful party. I had a great time. Your home really looks bewitching !!!
Have a magical day.
what a fab party, I love your halloween displays :) thankyou for visiting my party earlier :)
So magical! Blessings.
I loved the poetry and you pictures and settings are beautiful. Happy Halloween to you!
Miss Linda,
Incredibly magical vignettes you create!!! How enchanting!
Thank you so much for all you share, mmm, must be extra stunning in person!!
♥ Vanessa {A Fanciful Twist}
Beautiful and spooky all at the same time!
Thanks for inviting me, Happy Halloween from Lansing, MI:)
What a Beautiful post! Your pictures are so wonderful! I see you are from Michigan! I was born in Flint! Not something to be too terribly proud of, but I love Michigan. Planning to have my wedding on Mackinac Island.
Thanks for stopping by my party post!
The spell was amazing and your picture are divine!! Blessings and Happy Halloween!
What a great time I had, met some very friendly ghosts and witches. Thank you for a lovely time.
Gorgeous photos and wonderful writing - I love the rhyming aspect...really brought me in! That spider web is craaazy - hope its not real!!
Thank you so much for stopping by my carving party :)
Happy Halloween!
Oh my what Halloween fun! I love the poem and the time you spent posting all of the fabulously fun Halloween pics! I do hope your Halloween is filled with frightful fun!
An enchantingly magical visit I had with you here...thanks so much for having me over for a spell!
Linda~ what lovely still lifes you created and photographed! Love the candle boot, frog with witch hat and skeletons...the candles and clocks add to the magical aura! Thanks for visiting my party~ Happy Halloween :)
What an inspired halloween post. Thanks you for the treats. Happy halloween!
Beautiful, spooky images and the candlelight is enchanting!
Oh, my...you have indeed cast a spell on me. This is such a fun party..the spiders ARE real, are they not? NO ?? Well, they sure LOOK real. Everything is just perfect. Thanks for having me.
xoxo bj
Beautiful photos and a lovely post!
Beautiful and inspiring pictures!
Enchanting Decor.
Thank you for flying by party...
Hauntingly Yours, Lyndy >^..^<
Princess Diana's Wedding Ring Giveaway & Halloween Party:
What a glorious party!!!!! thanks so much for the invite and for stopping by and leaving your comment at my party. It is much appreciated♥
BTW, I LOVE the chimes you have playing on your blog. I am trying to figure out how to create a player on mine...if you have any suggestions, I would welcome them.
Much love,
Ooh, everything looked fabulous! Wishing you magickal travels~
How eerie and magical!
Blessed Halloween to you and yours :)
Okay, that was a fun stroll through beautiful photos and thoughtful and/or amusing quotes. :) Love that patterned skull - I can never find ones that don't look cheesy.
thank you for a magical, beautiful party!! gorgeous photos!
Happy Halloween
I had a wonderfully goulish time at your haunting soiree. I must say that your pictures are absolutely gorgeous. What wonderful vinettes.
Please do stop by for a cup or two of Pumpkin TEA at my MAD HALLOWEEN PARTY. We would love to have you for a visit.
Spells and Wishes
Wendy from Wonderland
Great party!
So sorry I was late.
Happy Halloween
A ghoulishly fun party! Love your photographs!
You had such a very fun and spooky Halloween party! Thank you so much for inviting me! I'm just now catching up with all of my visitors to The Tearoom from last weekend.
Wishing you a wonderfully spooky Halloween!
What wonderful pictures :) and words! Thank you for your party post, happy
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